Thursday, April 28, 2011

life is insane! William is stupid cute! and sleep is still non existent. 

Monday, April 18, 2011

politics, you sexy bitch

so. . . basically Harper and Layton want to do the same things. . . generally speaking. . . from what I can tell Harper is focusing a lot on prisons, and the army and Layton is focusing on family and education. What I don't understand is why Harper seems to think we need to protect our borders. . . I mean who the eff would invade Canada? we rock an everything but we aren't really the ones to be invaded. Also I do not like how, for lack of a better word, "American" Harper sounds about drugs. There is this crazy imaginary war on drugs. . . just leave it alone. There have always been drugs, there will always be drugs, the best thing to do is legalize a lot of it. why not?  especially Marijuana it would be a huge amount of money for the country, look at Amsterdam, I don't see the population going crazy for cocaine just because Marijuana is  legal. I am all for Layton. Firstly I just get a bad vibe from Harper. . . like if he were an animal he would be a diseased rat or something. Layton is a lot like a friendly chipmunk. Also from what I understand Harper wants to privatize health care. . .   I may be wrong about that one, still doing the research. Its hard to find sources that don't sound like legal babble, it sounds like we will do this if this is right but not that to make this right and if those both turn wrong this will turn right, not a solid statement, the other parties are just as bad. The last thing we should want, that anyone should want EVER is to have to pay for being sick, injured or having a baby. I don't want to live in financial fear because what if my baby gets sick and has to go to the hospital and once he is better we have to pay thousands of dollars? sounds lousy to me. I've also heard from my dear hubby that when health care costs us then our rates could go up depending on what you buy, there is a possibility that our receipt info could be sent to the companies providing us with health care coverage and then rates go up or down depending on how much "healthy" food you buy. . . . I'm all for being healthy and weight loss but that's a little nanny state for me. 

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Its one of those days. . . William didn't sleep very well last night, Hubby and I both got frustrated. I have no idea what to do. He slept really well on Tuesday after a day with Nana, was it because she played with him lots? or was it because he only had a tiny nap? I don't want him to be over tired and hard to keep asleep. but I don't want him to be so well rested that he doesn't want to go to bed. . . This is all very frustrating. Well I have to do my best to put on a happy face for my husband. . . there's no point in both of us being upset.

For some reason I invest myself heavily in facebook. I'm not sure if its because I'm at home all of the time, or my real lack of friends. . . I know lots of people, but all my baby-less friends are busy having a life, and my friends with babies. . . well they are busy having a baby around. . . I'm in a sort of in between, I have a baby but want to be out or at least visited, but he isn't really on food yet so I don't and sometimes can't leave him for long periods of time. Any ways about facebook, I invest heavily and when there isn't activity on my profile I feel like I'm not worth anything, now I realize that's not true and that not everyone has every hour of every day free to be on the computer. Doesn't keep me from getting a sinking feeling.

More on the in between of motherhood, he is still enough of a mystery to me that I don't really have the time to do my own thing, like paint. If I could paint for an hour or two a day I think that would help. . . but I'm still learning about my baby and how to raise him and all that junk. So I don't feel like I can allot the proper amount of time for myself. . . well he is sleeping now. I tried to keep him up, but he is so cranky (he's been awake since 7am) I wish that babies came with manuals.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

word to the wise

When you become a mom or a dad, you realize a few things very quickly; It is not that strange or gross to sniff a baby bum to check for poop. Whomever made baby clothes white is a complete idiot. You will never own enough shirts or pairs of pants, especially pajama pants and they will all get pooped on, peed on, puked on and have food flung on them. You don't have the time to be sick. Sleep is. . . wait what is sleep? As cute as they are baby shoes, baby pants and baby shirts have very little use to the practical baby. Babies are lightning fast. Spit up can get in more places than you ever thought. Lets end it on a gross note; you never thought you would be so forgiving of someone who pukes in your mouth, on your face, in your hair, in your crotch, and on your boobs, thinks its a good idea to rub it all over your favorite shirt and in the end makes you clean it up.

Friday, April 8, 2011

the stupidity of a few ruins the game for all of us.

I hate that baby walkers are illegal in Canada. Its illegal to bring them into the country in any way. They are illegal because there were parents who didn't make sure that the door to the basement was closed or at least gated. I shouldn't say those parents were idiots, because they probably weren't. It was just the one time they forgot, or didn't think that the baby would roll away that fast, or something like that. It still has wrecked it for everyone else. My little William wants to move like crazy, we put him in his exersaucer  and he just tries to go forward, he wants that freedom of movement. Its the same with baby bath seats. Impossible to find in stores because they are "dangerous" they aren't dangerous the parents just make mistakes, they may not be stupid people they just made a stupid mistake. If your baby needs a seat in the tub to keep them upright why would you ever take your eyes off them or your hand for that matter!?

The real stupidity comes from the products being banned or deemed illegal. For example; drunk driving and regular driving causes deaths and serious injury, why not ban cars and booze? no one would think of doing that we just punish the people responsible. Lets not forget food, food makes us fat causes people to have high cholesterol and heart attacks not to mention people choke on food, lets make solid food illegal too. I mean how stupid does this all sound? completely stupid. Yet they made rolling baby chairs illegal. . .  why didn't they just punish the parents?   

Monday, April 4, 2011

its been a banner week

Well William is starting to figure out how to fall asleep on his own! wahoo. We have not yet had a "full nights" sleep but I'm sure he is working on it. Not sure if I noted that he is sleeping in a full crib with no bassinet! I have been watching all the Harry Potter films this weekend. They may be a little silly but when you think about it they are entertaining and safely entertaining. By safely entertaining I mean not quite feel good but not quite action and not really a kids movie. Its hard to explain. We had some really nice days earlier this week, so nice in fact that my dear hubby took the little ones for a walk and left me alone! unfortunately nice weather also means people want to have fires. . . well sane people have fires once it is summer and they have them maybe once a week or every two weeks. Our neighbors however are nut jobs and want to always have a fire going, even if they are not there. No big deal you may say, well its a huuuge deal once it gets warm and the only means of cooling our house is air flow through open windows and the air just smells like campfire. I admit I love having fires and the smell is nice when you only smell it once and a while. I do not enjoy having a house filled with the smell. Well they were having a fire, left unattended, and so my knight  in shining denim went over to their house and presented their mail box with fire bylaws. If we see the trend of last summer continue we will report them. Not to be dicks but we have a baby now, he is our priority. Also if I see their kid throw rocks at my dog again. . . grrrr I don't know what I'll do! but only one person can be a jerk to my dog and that's me!

So logging on to the blog the other day I notice I have another follower! very exciting. of course that does not mean that my blogs will always get read or even commented on, but someone  thought enough of what I have to say to click "follow" and for that I thank you.

William and little Eve will be meeting their Great Granfolks this weekend! I'm excited and nervous. They are coming to my house to visit and I want it to look. . . nice. . . or at least presentable. One day I will have a little 2 story house with a proper kitchen and finished basement. . . one day. Until then I have a house that I'm trying to turn into a home, though  it is hard when it is treated like a storage bin/garbage dump. I think I would really like to close my eyes and just start throwing things into a big huge bin thing to be taken away by the city. I bet if I don't look at it I won't even miss it.  But like I said. . . one day.

We have stopped getting the National Post. We had a free trial. . . I have A LOT of unread papers in my house right now. I love the Post but it is SUPER hard to read it when I have a baby and a dog and a house to take care of. . . . again one day I will have time to read the paper.

Well that's all for now I have the little man asleep and I need some "me" time.