Friday, June 10, 2011


Got me a new tattoo! whoop whooop! it hurt like hell but was easier than labor. I will maybe post a picture on the blog. It is under wraps right now on tattoo doctor orders. The bandage comes off tomorrow!

So for some reason I just can't sleep. Can't get comfy can't even feel sleepy in my eyes. I have a sneaky suspicion that my hubby can't sleep either. I just couldn't stay in bed anymore, maybe it is because of getting my tattoo today and all the pain and everything and I am just all excited in my brains. Well whatever the reason I better figure it out soon! I need sleep or I will be a major cranky face tomorrow.

I'm sure I've posted this, but, I have the most amazing husband on the face of this earth! it isn't that he does everything and carries out all my requests all the time. . . that isn't what makes a husband great. It isn't bringing home a huge paycheck or looking like a movie star. Its him making me laugh, putting up with all the silly shit I do. Its when he knows that I need a break and just takes William for a minute, or starting the coffee in the morning. Installing the sink, fixing the, well whatever needs fixing. Being there for me and letting me figure out my sleep and how to get it back to being with him in bed and not on the couch. He loves me for who I am, who I want to be, who I pretend to be and who I will be. I want the whole damn world to know that he is the greatest, and I wish I could give him everything he deserves all the time. Thank you for all of your love my sweet man. 

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