Thursday, November 17, 2011

The dicks of Wall Street

Right out of the gate I will say I am not rich. I wish I was rich, but I think most everyone does. I am not on anyone's side for the occupy movement. I can see both sides of the coin and both sides are pretty dirty. I have friends and family some who support this movement, what seems like, blindly. Siding with the poor because of their own prejudices or already held conceptions/misconceptions of corporations and government. From what I have read and heard there is a need for these people to be heard. They are worried for their future and for the future of their children. I can respect that. I have also read that their ideas of what is wrong with the way the country is running and how to fix it are skewed again by their own and sometimes popular belief. Money is awesome. I can buy goods and services with it, I love buying goods and services with money. It feels good, it is fun and it gives us a way to measure ourselves. I know no one really reads this but just in case; no boo-ing about how money is used to measure our worth and how the earth and air and bunnies and flowers are more important. We have a need to be measured, to be found acceptable or wanting and if found wanting we strive to become acceptable. It is wired into us from prehistoric man. but instead of brute strength and leadership it is now money. The same thing would be done with beans or rice or beads. It doesn't matter there will ALWAYS be the haves and the have nots. This is where the protest loses any appeal for me. What do they think they will do? we cannot all be equal (not in a monetary sense) . There are too many people to get everyone jobs. To be quite frank and open about my feelings here they are kind of acting like children. Maybe I am missing the point. Maybe they do have a better plan, but until I am shown what that is it feels to me like some people thought "oh no fair!" and decided to throw a fit. This fit just happens to be contagious due to the bad economic situation. In many cases the rich have worked hard and long for what they have and they have not done anything illegal and many have not done anything immoral, well not related to business any way. Corporations can be big and scary and seem like they are walking all over the little guy and shoving their way into any nook and cranny they can find. I will not say they are squeky clean, there have been bad and terrible decisions made by the big guns. Some corporations and some people do walk all over the little guy. I know that they are also protesting the hand corporations have in government. I wonder though would everyone be so upset if corporations had the same hand in the government but it was planting trees and cleaning the homeless? or would there still be outrage? did the bank bailouts really only help BANKERS keep their salaries or did it help a single mother keep her bank teller job? help a man who works security keep putting himself through night school to becoming something more? I don't know where this is going to end up. At this point it looks like an attempt to re-live the feeling of Woodstock (and for the younger gen to feel that power and unity) I myself am happy to be middle class. Sure we struggle, it isn't always peaches and rainbows but we are not about to blame other people for ALL of our problems. Its called being an adult.

1 comment:

  1. Well I pretty much agree. funny iam writing about the same thing but u beat me to it. grrrr hard to type with one hand
