Tuesday, November 8, 2011

lazy lazy

So day by day I start to notice a little more free time here and there. I notice that I am not bat shit crazy ALL of the time from lack of sleep, and when problems arise I have more solutions than I did 11 months ago. Even though things are getting better and better I let things slide which annoys me and makes me sad at the time but then I forget about them and they slide away again. While I have the time to run downstairs and throw in some laundry or quickly put away the pots before Mr. W decides he wants to crawl into the cupboard, I have not had the time to do my art or really think of something to write on my blog. A lot has happened though. Such as? well I am glad no one asked! Mr. William is turning the big 01! it is insane to think he has been here for an entire year (November 15th) its like I have known him forever and never at the same time. He changes so much now! his favorite games include chase me down the hardwood hallway while I run away on my knees, and the very popular crawl backwards off the bed and onto the floor cause I'm a big boy now! he has also decided bobbies are not so awesome anymore. They are lame when they are attached to your mom. He is growing up so fast! *sob* now my brain doesn't want to think anymore just mindlessly stare at things I want to order off the internet for Christmas!

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