Wednesday, November 16, 2011

mommy powers

I have read a couple momma blogs and an article or two about motherhood. Funny things and neat things. I thought I would compile my own list of the things that happen when you become a mom.

1. You develop ninja like stealth. There is no way you will wake that baby up. (you will also force this stealth upon a chosen few)
2. You have the ability to stand/rock for an incredible length of time and you can sit frozen in the same spot with baby attached for what seems like hours without a second thought.
3. You are able to ignore what have now become minor discomforts if it means the baby will sleep. Such as having to pee or not scratching an itch while baby sleeps in your arms.
4. Hearing becomes enhanced it seems. But only while the baby is asleep. Any noise within a 2 mile radius is way too loud.
5. Multi tasking becomes second nature. While you cannot remember to get half of what you were supposed to at the grocery store you do remember to get everything plus 2 of what the baby needs and you can get home with only minutes to spare at his lunch time and still get him fed and in bed on time.
6. Lips become a thermometer.
7. Incredible balance. Able to balance on one foot to support the bum of a baby you are holding with one arm. The other arm busy brushing your teeth. Screw patting your head and rubbing your belly. Also have put my leg in his crib to hook his blanket with my foot.

As far as I am concerned while a mother is an amazing creature, we would be better served if  we actually evolved for motherhood. This would require at least two extra arms or at least the ability to multiply and then merge together again. Also milk should actually keep the baby asleep for at least eight hours. Mind reading would also be welcome. Also no mom should have to deal with pregnancy weight, we should gain it and as soon as baby is gone we should snap right back to previous weight that instant. If more weight is lost or gained after that it is on us. No more blaming the baby weight!

well thats all for tonight. :)

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